There is a flag to not display a dialog for the event. 有一个标记可以设置不显示事件的对话。
BManualReset is a flag and if it is TRUE, a manual-reset event is created and ResetEvent() should be called explicitly to set the state to non-signaled. bManualReset是一个标记,如果该值为TRUE,就会创建一个手工重置的事件,应该显式地调用ResetEvent(),将事件对象的状态设置为无信号状态。
A man attached a mourning ribbon to the Polish flag during a sporting event in Minsk. 在明斯克进行的一场体育活动期间,一名男子将一条表达哀悼的缎带附在波兰国旗上。
But under French law, it is only an offence to insult the flag in an event organized by the public authorities-not in a private, cultural event such as this. 法国法律规定,在私人或者文化活动中侮辱国旗的行为不算犯罪。
Miscellaneous codes do not identify events but are used to flag nonstandard event information. 杂项代码并不标识事件,而是用于标记非标准事件的信息。
Flag to indicate which change event to monitor. 表示要控哪更事件的旗。